another birthday come and gone. . .

Another birthday has come and gone and I am so pleased with my current situation. My housemate is the best, I am still thriving in the mountains of Pennsylvania and daily adventures with my favorite person leave me breathless. I love my new position at work where I get to deal with escalated accounts and I am pleased with my performance. Morning coffee and cuddles helps me start the days right and I spend about 9 hours a day at work. Studying Higher Education to become an online professor is my free time along with singing with Bradley James to the sweet guitar he strums daily. The sound fills the air now as I type and is just breath taking, , ,


851564_758403537517456_1241767605_nWe shoot pool when we can and are very competitive. I have gotten much better under his tutelage, and I actually have won a few games. I spend more time racking than he does but he doesn’t mind. I listen to the music and peace consumes me. I have insecurities I am dealing with but other than the minor outburst of emotion I can say I have never been happier than the last Four months. Pennsylvania has been a blessing indeed and if I must be grateful it is for the connection made in this place…

When we deal with insecurities and have a supportive person to walk us through the ridiculousness of the minds tricks it is playing we can grow. In most space we have to feel comfortable, at ease and able to be ourselves. I work in an environment that is very much stifling in many ways. Every thing is counted down the minute and it is annoying. How long does it take to walk to the bathroom, pee, wash hands, and walk back to desk four minutes if lucky but usually five to six. Yikes. How obsessive. Any who, life is good.

I help people everyday and assist them to navigate the difficulty of student loan debt and forgiveness options. I communicate very effectively and people tend to be relieved after speaking to me in many instances. I want to implement new training and try to make everyone more consistent on the phones.

well that guitar is calling me to sing, I must go now favorite is playing….

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